Posts tagged with: when breath becomes air

Books read — June 2017

June was interesting in terms of reading–I didn’t do a lot of it. Looking back it seems I was often distracted or simply not interested in reading as much during my routine. For example during my commute I would prefer doing something that required no mental effort whatsoever, such as browsing reddit on my phone or taking a nap. I still managed to finish a few though, which is surprising.

When Breath Becomes Air

When Breath Becomes Air is one of my favourite books this year. The author Paul Kalanithi writes about his life and how much it changed when he was diagnosed with cancer. It’s refreshingly honest, candid and really heartbreaking. If there’s one book you should read this year it’s this one.

Get When Breath Becomes Air on Amazon

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

A friend recently had me take a personality test and it turns out I’m 54% extrovert and 46% introvert. Since I was a kid, I would’ve told you I’m introverted but I guess things can change over time. I wanted to dig a little deeper into that topic with this book by Susan Cain and it was truly eye-opening. Being an introvert is cool and often almost better. I would especially recommend this to parents who are trying to fix” their kids just because they like to be by themselves often.

Get Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking on Amazon

The Elements of Style

The Elements of Style is supposed to be a classic when it comes to writing properly in every sense of the word. Even though it’s a small book, you’ll find lots and lots of advice on which bad writing habits to break and how to correct the most common mistakes. These concepts are usually explained along with examples and better alternatives are offered.
It’s quite an old book and I had the impression that some things were out of date. Since English isn’t my native language I learned many new things which allowed me to reflect on my own writing. It can get a little dry at times but it’s worth to read this book at least once.

Get The Elements of Style on Amazon